In an exciting turn of events for Gintama fans, the beloved anime series is set to make a comeback with a brand new adaptation. During the Gintama Ato no Matsuri 2023 event, dedicated to celebrating the franchise, a surprising announcement was made: the ‘3rd Year Class Z Ginpachi-sensei’ light novels by Tomohito Osaki will be… Continue reading
Tag: Tae
Gintama” manga’s spinoff novels, “3-Nen Z-Gumi Ginpachi-Sensei,” are getting a new anime adaptation
During the Gintama Ato no Matsuri event, an exciting announcement was made that Tomohito Ōsaki’s spinoff novel series, “3-Nen Z-Gumi Ginpachi-Sensei” (Class 3-Z’s Teacher Ginpachi), based on Hideaki Sorachi’s renowned Gintama manga, will be receiving its own anime adaptation. This delightful spinoff takes place in Gintama High School and revolves around the peculiar school teacher… Continue reading
The creator of Gintama, Hideaki Sorachi, is set to release a tribute to Dragon Ball as part of the Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball, an anime that needs no introduction, has established itself as one of the biggest intellectual properties in the world of Japanese animation. So, it’s no surprise that fans are going wild with anticipation as the anniversary of this legendary franchise approaches. With the manga’s 40th anniversary on the horizon, it’s safe to say… Continue reading
10 hilarious running gags in Gintama, ranked
Here’s a list of the top 10 funniest running gags in Gintama, ranked based on their level of humor and popularity among fans: We bring out some of the most well-known Gintama collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the Gintama collection Gintama Car Floor Mats, Hijikata… Continue reading