In the superhero series created by Kohei Horikoshi, My Hero Academia, the narrative revolves around Izuku Midoriya, a young boy born without any Quirks in a world where having superpowers is the norm. However, his dream of becoming a Hero becomes a reality when he receives a Quirk from the renowned Hero, All Might. At… Continue reading
Tag: Kaminari
The latest cliffhanger in My Hero Academia teases Toga’s ultimate showdown
In the latest chapter of My Hero Academia’s Final Act, the intense battle between the Todoroki Family and Dabi reaches its emotional conclusion, leaving fans on the edge of their seats. However, amidst the aftermath of this pivotal clash, the focus now shifts to Himiko Toga and the impending final battle that awaits her. Throughout… Continue reading
What awaits in My Hero Academia Chapter 391: A preview of the upcoming chapter
In the latest chapter of My Hero Academia, the Todoroki family conflict has finally come to an end, shifting the focus to Uraraka and Toga in Chapter 391. Following a brief hiatus, fans are eagerly anticipating the upcoming chapter, as it promises to delve into intriguing plotlines and further develop beloved characters. The resolution of… Continue reading
My Hero Academia Chapter 390: Shoto Todoroki’s Ascendance
“My Hero Academia Chapter 390: Shoto Todoroki’s Triumph” In the latest installment of My Hero Academia, chapter 390 titled “Shoto Todoroki: Rising,” Shoto Todoroki emerges as the hero of the day. This chapter brings a conclusion to the intense conflict within the Todoroki family, delivering an emotional and satisfying storyline that left fans moved. The… Continue reading
How closely connected are My Hero Academia’s spin-offs to the main canon?
My Hero Academia, being one of the most popular series in the manga/anime industry, has spawned a variety of captivating spin-offs that offer unique perspectives on Kohei Horikoshi’s original story. These spin-offs aim to expand the content of the main series in different ways, but their canonicity remains a subject of discussion and interpretation among… Continue reading