Haikyuu!! has been a groundbreaking sports anime/manga since its inception in 2012. The story revolves around Hinata Shoyo, a short boy who has a passion for volleyball despite his height being a disadvantage. He dreams of becoming the best player in the country and joins Karasuno High School’s volleyball team to achieve that goal. Along… Continue reading
Tag: Oikawa
Haikyuu!! Final: Movie – Key Points to Know
“Haikyuu!! Final: Movie – What You Need to Know” Fans of Haikyuu!! have been eagerly awaiting news of the fifth season, but instead, it has been announced that there will be a two-part film called Haikyuu!! Final. The franchise’s official Twitter account surprised fans with this announcement, leaving them unsure if the movies will do… Continue reading
Haikyuu!! has revolutionized the anime industry – here’s why
If you’re in the mood for some wholesome, hard-working characters, and volleyball matches that will keep you on the edge of your seat, “Haikyu!!” is the anime you need. You don’t need to know volleyball or even like sports to enjoy this show, and if you like to have a favorite character to show support… Continue reading
Haikyuu!!: The Unbeatable Sports Anime
In the vast landscape of sports anime, one gem stands out among the rest—Haikyuu!! This captivating series has captured the hearts of fans around the world, yet it remains relatively unknown to many. Here’s why Haikyuu!! is the best sports anime you might be missing out on. Engaging Characters and Compelling Story: Haikyuu!! introduces a… Continue reading
New ‘FINAL’ movie announced for Haikyuu!! with key visual and teaser video released
Haikyuu!! is a beloved anime series that has been captivating audiences for years. Its loyal fans have been eagerly awaiting news of the upcoming season 5, especially after the series celebrated its 10th anniversary during Jump Festa 2022. During the celebration, special illustrations, an exhibition, and a new one-shot manga chapter by Furudate Haruichi were… Continue reading