The official website of the popular anime series Haikyuu has announced that fans will get to see the much-awaited 2-part anime film of Haruichi Furudate’s sports-comedy manga. The series has been titled “Haikyuu!! Final,” and it is set to be the culmination of an incredible journey that has seen the series grow to become one… Continue reading
Tag: Sugawara
Haikyu!! is ranked number one in Fuji TV’s strongest sports manga list
Recently, Fuji TV held a competition called the Strongest Sports Manga Ranking, in which they surveyed over a thousand students from various athletic clubs and prestigious sports universities to determine the top sports manga. After accumulating the results, the winner was announced: Haikyu!! took the top spot, surpassing other popular hits like Slam Dunk, Blue… Continue reading
Haikyuu!! counterparts of all Blue Lock characters
Here’s a list of Blue Lock characters and their potential Haikyuu!! counterparts: Overall, these Blue Lock characters and their potential Haikyuu!! counterparts share similar traits and qualities, making them an interesting comparison for fans of both series. We bring out some of the most well-known Haikyu collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our… Continue reading
Season 5 of Haikyuu!! – What You Need to Know
Ever since the fourth season of Haikyuu!! concluded, fans have been eagerly anticipating the return of Karasuno High’s exhilarating volleyball matches. While a film project was announced, the absence of news regarding Haikyuu!! Season 5 has left fans longing for more. However, amidst the wait, the recent release of Blue Lock has managed to keep… Continue reading