In the world of shonen anime and manga, it’s not uncommon for long-running series to have a few inconsistencies here and there. These inconsistencies can sometimes lead to retcons, which are changes made to previously established facts in order to make the story more coherent. One retcon that had a significant impact on the Naruto… Continue reading
Tag: Saiken
The Mythology of Naruto’s Six Paths of Pain
The world of Naruto is a vast and complex one, filled with a multitude of characters, techniques, and abilities. One of the most significant and formidable techniques in the series is the Six Paths of Pain, a Rinnegan ability that has been denoted as one of the strongest jutsu in the entire series. The sheer… Continue reading
Boruto: Ranking the Strength of All Otsutsuki
Otsutsuki clan members and their strengths: These are the known members of the Otsutsuki clan and their abilities. Each member had unique powers and abilities that made them formidable opponents. However, the combined strength of Naruto, Sasuke, and the rest of the Hidden Leaf Village was able to defeat them all. We bring out some… Continue reading
“Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm” game’s Baryon Mode for Naruto explained
The upcoming game, Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections, will feature the powerful Baryon mode, which is considered one of the strongest power-ups in the Naruto franchise. A lot has changed in the Naruto universe since the release of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 in 2016. The introduction of Boruto, Naruto’s son, in… Continue reading