In a stroke of incredible luck, a rookie Pokemon trainer embarks on their very first adventure in the vast world of Pokemon and manages to stumble upon a truly extraordinary discovery. As avid fans of Nintendo’s beloved RPG franchise are well aware, the core essence of the game revolves around the captivating pursuit of collecting… Continue reading
Tag: Pikachu
Pokemon Go releases Shadow Raids for Team Go Rocket Takeover on May 18, 2023
Update: Niantic and Pokemon Go have introduced a new feature called Shadow Raids in Pokemon Go. These Raids will include powerful Shadow Raid Bosses like Shadow Mewtwo and Shiny Shadow Mewtwo. The first appearance of Shadow Raids will be during the Rising Shadow event on May 22, 2023. In Shadow Raids, Trainers can challenge and… Continue reading
Pokémon GO Game Director Addresses ‘Hear Us Niantic’ Social Media Backlash
Following the controversial Pokémon GO update that raised Remote Raid Pass prices and imposed limitations on daily participation, the hashtag ‘HearUsNiantic’ gained traction on social media as fans expressed their dissatisfaction. Over a month later, Pokémon GO game director Michael Steranka has addressed the backlash, acknowledging the team’s awareness of the issue. He explained that… Continue reading