Kohei Horikoshi, the creator, author, and illustrator of the popular manga series My Hero Academia, has recently released a new concept art sketch of one of the series’ most beloved characters, Tsuyu Asui. The sketch features Tsuyu in a completely different outfit from her usual one, with a mechanized and aquatic-based superhero costume that takes… Continue reading
Tag: Nezu
My Hero Academia artist draws Bakugo’s fiery quirk in new sketch
The My Hero Academia manga has left fans on edge after its most recent cliffhanger, which saw All For One steal a quirk and make his next move. And he’s not the only villain causing trouble, with Shigaraki and Dabi also wreaking havoc. But it’s not just the villains that are causing anxiety for fans.… Continue reading
Ranking All Might’s Forms in My Hero Academia
here’s a list ranking All Might’s forms in My Hero Academia from best to worst: We bring out some of the most well-known My hero academia collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the My hero academia collection My Hero Academia Car Floor Mats, All Might… Continue reading