Boruto: Naruto Next Generations serves as the sequel to the immensely popular Naruto series. It takes place in a world where the ninja society has achieved relative peace after the Fourth Great Ninja War. Naruto Uzumaki, the protagonist of Naruto, is now the Seventh Hokage, and the story follows his son, Boruto Uzumaki, along with… Continue reading
Category: Naruto
Strengths and Weaknesses: Naruto Outshines One Piece in 5 Areas, Falls Short in 5 Others
Comparing Naruto and One Piece, both being part of the Big 3 with global fanbases, it’s natural to assess their strengths and weaknesses. Naruto tells the story of a struggling ninja overcoming personal hardships, while One Piece follows a rubber-bodied boy’s quest for freedom with a crew of misfits. Here are 5 areas where Naruto… Continue reading
New Naruto manga one-shot to be released this summer
In an exciting turn of events for Naruto fans, the worldwide character poll for NARUTO99 has concluded, revealing Minato as the first-place winner. This victory has paved the way for the continuation of the Naruto storyline with a highly anticipated one-shot manga, set to be released this summer. After a lengthy seven-year hiatus, acclaimed mangaka… Continue reading
Naruto creator announces Minato Namikaze manga release window!
Exciting news resonates within the Naruto fandom as fans of the popular series are about to embark on a thrilling adventure. The mastermind behind the beloved franchise, Masashi Kishimoto, has something extraordinary in store for them. The creator has officially announced the upcoming release of a brand new manga, and the spotlight will shine on… Continue reading
Naruto: Sasuke’s Tale Highlights Konoha’s Flawed View on Redemption
Chapter 10 of Naruto: Sasuke’s Story, titled “The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust,” exposes Konoha’s persisting flawed perspective on redemption. Throughout the Naruto series, certain villains have been easily redeemed through Naruto’s persuasive abilities, resulting in their histories being whitewashed. This trend extends to characters like Orochimaru and Kabuto in the Boruto timeline, where they… Continue reading