The anime series Demon Slayer has created a lot of buzz among its fans with its central antagonist Muzan Kibutsuji. In the Swordsmith Village Arc, the demon slayers are drawn closer to the upper moons, which creates the possibility of the final battle with the Demon King approaching. The demon slayers have been after Muzan Kibutsuji and the Upper Moon demons for a long time, and their pursuit has brought them closer to the ultimate showdown. Muzan Kibutsuji has spent centuries searching for a cure for his inability to face the sun, and he is shown as a desperate antagonist who wants to live and fears death. He is directing his brigade of Upper Demon Moons to find the Blue Spider Lily and eliminate every demon slayer in their way.
The Infinity Castle Arc is where the demon slayers finally discover Muzan’s cocoon and engage in a fierce battle with him. The Sunrise Countdown Arc is where the demon slayers are directed to keep Muzan engaged until sunrise, which weakens him due to Lady Tamayo’s drugs. Muzan is finally defeated when Tanjiro stabs him with a broken Nichirin blade in the head as the sun rises, and his body is burnt to ash.
Muzan Kibutsuji was a ruthless killer who caused pain and havoc in Japan for many centuries. He was a monster of accidental creation who gave up his humanity to intervene in the civilizational project and wipe it from within. However, we can also see Muzan as a character who was lost in the mayhem of human civilization. Whatever the reason, the upcoming arcs in the anime series will lead to a resolution of Muzan Kibutsuji’s death.
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Hotaru, Kozo, Tecchin, Kotetsu, Tanjiro, Senjuro