In the latest chapters of One Piece (chapters 1084 and 1085), the long-awaited and mysterious character known as Im Sama finally takes center stage, showcasing their formidable powers and revealing their role as the assassin of King Cobra, the father of Nefertari Vivi. This revelation confirms that Im Sama is a significant antagonist in the series and sets the stage for the upcoming final saga of One Piece, as promised by the author, Eiichiro Oda.
Im Sama, often referred to as the “King of the World,” is portrayed as the ultimate puppet master, pulling the strings behind the scenes and manipulating the political landscape of the entire One Piece universe. The hierarchy of power in this world starts with the Seraphim, a new breed of pacifists who strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. Above them are the Admirals, including Ryokugyu, Kizaru, Fujitora, and Akainu, each possessing extraordinary abilities. And at the apex of this power structure are the Gorosei, also known as the Five Elders, who have controlled the political landscape for over eight hundred years. However, even they answer to Im Sama, the highest-ranking figure within the World Government.
Chapters 1084 and 1085 shed light on Im Sama’s dark deeds, particularly their role in the assassination of King Cobra. Previously, the news had falsely attributed the king’s death to Sabo, but Eiichiro Oda clarifies the truth as Im Sama’s direct involvement. The tension builds as King Cobra finds himself face-to-face with the enigmatic figure while having an audience with the Five Elders of the Gorosei. The shocking moment arrives when Im Sama appears and takes a seat on the throne, the symbolic “empty throne” that was believed to represent the absence of any singular ruler. This revelation shakes King Cobra to the core, exposing the existence of a hidden power orchestrating events behind the scenes and manipulating the fate of nations, including Arabasta.
In chapter 1085, as Im Sama’s presence becomes undeniable, King Cobra’s disbelief turns to desperation. Knowing that his fate is sealed, the king accepts his impending demise, but not before sending a cryptic message to Luffy, the protagonist of the series. In a Jiraiya-like confession, King Cobra reveals that the Nefertari family, including his daughter Vivi, shares the initial “D” in their names, a mysterious symbol that has deep significance in the world of One Piece.
The revelations surrounding Im Sama raise numerous intriguing questions about their true identity, appearance, and motivations. Fans have developed various theories and speculations, some of which propose connections between Im Sama and Nefertari Lily, a distant ancestor of Cobra and Vivi. Nefertari Lily’s defiance and refusal to surrender her sword to the empty throne in the past add an intriguing layer to the potential relationship between her and Im Sama. Another theory suggests that Eiichiro Oda is drawing inspiration from the myth of Adam and Eve, with Lily representing Eve and Im Sama embodying either Adam or a vengeful deity seeking to eliminate the descendants of the “D” clan.
The debate regarding Im Sama’s gender is another topic of discussion among fans. Some argue that Im Sama’s diminutive stature in relation to the throne suggests a male character, while others believe that Eiichiro Oda’s penchant for surprising character designs may present Im Sama as another voluptuous female character, adding to the series’ diverse cast.
As the story progresses, readers eagerly await further developments surrounding Im Sama’s terrifying power, the implications of their actions, and the eventual reactions of Vivi and Luffy when they learn the truth. Additionally, the mystery surrounding the stone straw hat found in Im Sama’s chambers leaves fans curious about its significance and its connection to the overarching narrative.
Eiichiro Oda continues to deliver an enthralling narrative, gradually unraveling the secrets of One Piece’s world and building anticipation for the impending final war. With each revelation, the stakes grow higher, and the path to uncovering the truth becomes more treacherous. As fans speculate and theorize, they eagerly await the next chapters of One Piece, where the full extent of Im Sama’s influence and their true intentions will be unveiled, propelling the story closer to its epic conclusion.
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Luffy, One Piece, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Jinbe, Ace, Garp