“Incredibles 2,” a 2018 American animated superhero film and the direct sequel to the 2004 movie “The Incredibles,” continues the story three months after the original. It follows the Parr family, also known as The Incredibles, as they strive to rebuild trust in superheroes while juggling their personal lives. However, their mission is challenged by a new formidable adversary who aims to turn the public against them. As one of Pixar’s highest-grossing animated films, fans are eager to find out where they can stream it online.
Here’s where you can stream “Incredibles 2” online:
Where to Watch and Stream “Incredibles 2”: You can watch and stream “Incredibles 2” on Disney Plus, which also offers the first “Incredibles” film for streaming.
The film features the return of Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Sarah Vowell, Samuel L. Jackson, and Brad Bird, reprising their roles from the original movie. Huckleberry Milner takes over the role of Dash, replacing Spencer Fox from the first film. Newcomers to the series include Bob Odenkirk, Catherine Keener, Sophia Bush, Phil LaMarr, and Paul Eiding.
How to Watch “Incredibles 2” on Disney Plus: Viewers interested in watching “Incredibles 2” on Disney Plus can subscribe to the streaming service either via a web browser or by downloading and installing the Disney Plus app on various devices, such as mobile phones and laptops.
By subscribing to Disney Plus, users gain access to a broad range of streaming content produced by various studios, including Marvel, Pixar, Lucasfilm, and National Geographic. Disney Plus offers three subscription plans:
- A basic monthly plan for $7.99.
- A premium monthly plan priced at $10.99.
- An annual premium plan available for $109.99 per year.
The official synopsis for “Incredibles 2” reads: “Telecommunications guru Winston Deavor enlists Elastigirl to fight crime and make the public fall in love with superheroes once again. That leaves Mr. Incredible with one of his greatest challenges ever — staying home and taking care of three rambunctious children. As Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack offer him a new set of headaches, a cybercriminal named Screenslaver launches his dastardly plan — hypnotizing the world through computer screens.”
For more updates related to Disney Plus, you can check the streaming release schedule for the platform in July and find out if the third episode of “Secret Invasion” includes a post-credits scene.
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