The popular anime and manga series, Tokyo Ghoul, has been missing in action since the end of its latest anime series in 2018, leaving fans anxiously waiting for any news of a possible return. The franchise, created by Sui Ishida, has amassed a significant following, with its popularity being strong enough to warrant not one but two live-action films and a video game that puts players in the shoes of the series’ protagonist, Ken Kaneki.
Although there has been no official word on the possibility of Tokyo Ghoul returning to the world of anime or new chapters of its manga being released, Sui Ishida has been keeping the series alive by releasing new art that focuses on Ken Kaneki. Ishida, who is currently working on a new manga series titled Choujin X, has taken to his Official Twitter Account to share his latest artwork, which features the young protagonist, who gains the abilities of a ghoul thanks to a terrifying encounter early on in the series.
For those who are not yet familiar with Choujin X, the series has shades of Tokyo Ghoul in its bones. It revolves around the story of two best friends, Tokio and Azuma, who do everything together, even though Tokio often feels like he is just stumbling along in Azuma’s cooler, more talented footsteps. But when they are attacked one night by a superhuman mutant called a choujin, Tokio finally has a chance to shine, by turning into a choujin himself. Being a superpowered creature, however, is not all it’s cracked up to be, and Tokio has to hide his transformation from his family while dodging a truancy charge at school, all while dealing with the increasingly odd incidents happening around town.
Although fans are still holding out hope for the return of Tokyo Ghoul to the small screen, Ishida’s new artwork and his work on Choujin X are keeping them engaged and interested in the world of flesh-eating ghouls. With over one million followers on his Twitter account, it is evident that the franchise’s creator and its fans still have a lot of love for the series, and they are eagerly waiting to see what new creations Ishida will bring to the table in the future.
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