Gege Akutami, the creator of the popular shounen manga Jujutsu Kaisen, has recently shared his plans to end the series as early as the end of 2023. Despite being one of the hottest anime and manga franchises right now, with a large and dedicated fanbase, Akutami has expressed his desire to bring the story to… Continue reading
Tag: Utahime Iori
Jujutsu Kaisen Theory Reveals Megumi’s Lone Savior
“Jujutsu Kaisen Presents Megumi Fushiguro’s Most Perilous Trial Yet as Sukuna Tightens His Grip, but Hope Emerges for a Potential Savior” The latest chapters of the captivating Jujutsu Kaisen manga have thrust Megumi Fushiguro into his most precarious predicament to date. As the Culling Game arc unfolds in all its thrilling glory, the narrative takes… Continue reading
Jujutsu Kaisen ch. 222 release after hiatus
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 222 is set to make a triumphant return after a two-week hiatus, releasing on Monday, May 15, 2023, at 12 am JST. Fans have been eagerly awaiting the continuation of the series, which went on hiatus after the release of chapter 221 on April 24. The anticipation has been building, and readers… Continue reading