Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto, and Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, have been in a friendly rivalry for years. They have openly expressed their admiration for each other’s work and have acknowledged the competition between their manga series. In a published conversation, the two artists discussed how they viewed each other as… Continue reading
Tag: Marco
Ranking the Top Pirates Competing for the One Piece in One Piece
here’s a list ranking the major pirates in the One Piece universe who are aiming for the legendary treasure, the One Piece: This list includes the major pirates who are currently aiming for the One Piece and ranked based on their power, influence, and overall importance in the story. We bring out some of the… Continue reading
When and where to watch One Piece episode 1061
Episode #1061 of the popular anime series One Piece is almost here, and fans are eagerly anticipating the next installment of this action-packed show. The upcoming episode will feature Sanji’s most powerful attack yet as he concludes his intense fight against Queen. Fans of the manga series created by Eiichiro Oda know that this is… Continue reading