“Demon Slayer season 3 episode 8, titled ‘Unveiled Memories,’ is highly anticipated by fans around the world. Following the intense and captivating events of episode 7, the Swordsmith Village arc continues to captivate audiences with its thrilling storyline and compelling characters. Scheduled for release on Sunday, May 28, 2023, at 11:15 pm JST in Japan,… Continue reading
Tag: Kokuboshi
Ranking the 9 Hashira in Demon Slayer from Weakest to Strongest
Here’s a more detailed list ranking the 9 Hashira in Demon Slayer from weakest to strongest: Please note that this ranking is based on their overall combat abilities as depicted in the series and is subjective to some extent. The Hashira’s strengths and weaknesses may vary depending on the specific circumstances and opponents they face.… Continue reading