Haikyuu, an anime series that centers around the sport of volleyball, has captured the hearts of fans worldwide with its engaging storyline and lovable characters. The show explores themes of teamwork, perseverance, and friendship, all while showcasing the intense and thrilling sport of volleyball. However, one moment in the series caused a stir among fans,… Continue reading
Tag: Ikkei
Haikyuu 2-Part Anime Film Officially Announced
The official website of the popular anime series Haikyuu has announced that fans will get to see the much-awaited 2-part anime film of Haruichi Furudate’s sports-comedy manga. The series has been titled “Haikyuu!! Final,” and it is set to be the culmination of an incredible journey that has seen the series grow to become one… Continue reading
What is the correct order to watch Haikyuu!!?
If you’re a fan of sports anime, Haikyuu!! is one of the most popular series out there. Based on Haruichi Furudate’s manga, it follows the journey of Hinata Shoyo, a young boy with big dreams of becoming a top volleyball player like his idol, The Little Giant. The anime is known for its high-intensity volleyball… Continue reading
5 Commonalities and Contrasts Between Blue Lock and Haikyuu!
“Blue Lock and Haikyuu are immensely popular anime worldwide, boasting millions of fans globally. One of the key factors contributing to their popularity is the presence of unique and diverse characters along with captivating storylines. Both series revolve around sports, with Blue Lock focusing on soccer and Haikyuu on volleyball. Despite sharing the same genre… Continue reading