Hunter x Hunter is a beloved anime series that has garnered a massive following since its debut in 1998. The manga was written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi and was serialized in the Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine. The anime adaptation of the series was first released in 1999, but unfortunately, it could not be completed… Continue reading
Tag: Hisoka
Is there evidence to suggest Kurapika and Leorio are married in Hunter x Hunter?
In the world of anime and manga, shipping is a common practice among fans. The idea of two characters being in a romantic relationship is a popular one, and it is not limited to canon relationships. Fans often create their own ships, which are non-canon pairings that they would like to see become a reality.… Continue reading
Top 10 frightening characters in Hunter x Hunter, ranked
Here’s a list of the 10 Scariest Hunter x Hunter Characters, Ranked: We bring out some of the most well-known Hunter x Hunter collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the Hunter x Hunter collection Hunter x Hunter Car Floor Mats, Gon Freecss Car Floor Mats, Anime… Continue reading
Explanation on the return of Hunter x Hunter manga
If you’re a fan of the popular manga and anime series Hunter x Hunter, you may be wondering when the manga will be returning from its latest hiatus, and why it goes on hiatus so often. Fortunately, we’ve compiled all the information you need to know in this guide. First, the good news: while the… Continue reading