Eiichiro Oda, the acclaimed creator of the beloved manga series One Piece, has been tirelessly releasing chapters for an extended period of time, captivating fans with his captivating storytelling and intricate artwork. However, Oda has recently announced that he will be temporarily stepping aside from drawing One Piece to undergo eye surgery, marking a significant… Continue reading
Tag: Bepo
One Piece Chapter 1086 spoilers: Gorosei’s unique titles unveiled
One Piece fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Chapter 1086, scheduled for Monday, June 12, 2023, at 12 AM JST. Excitement is brewing as initial spoilers for the chapter have been recently unveiled, teasing some unexpected and thrilling developments that are set to captivate readers. Before delving into the exciting details of the spoilers,… Continue reading
Theory: The Cross Guild will recruit all remaining Warlords in One Piece
The One Piece universe has been ablaze with excitement in recent weeks, as both the anime and manga deliver captivating storylines and thrilling moments. While the focus has shifted away from the Straw Hat crew for a while, one particular group has emerged in the spotlight—the enigmatic Cross Guild. Led by the formidable trio of… Continue reading
Possible Devil Fruits for Imu in One Piece
Here are five possible Devil Fruits that Imu, a mysterious and influential character in the world of One Piece, could possess: It is important to note that Imu’s Devil Fruit abilities, if any, have not been revealed in the One Piece series to date. These are speculative possibilities based on the known capabilities of various… Continue reading
One Piece Chapter 1084 holds exciting surprises for fans
One Piece Chapter 1084, which follows the events of the previous chapter, titled 1083, is highly anticipated by fans. While chapter 1083 may not have been the absolute best in recent weeks, it effectively set the stage for the unfolding events at the Reverie. Now, fans are eager to see how the story progresses in… Continue reading