In the superhero series created by Kohei Horikoshi, My Hero Academia, the narrative revolves around Izuku Midoriya, a young boy born without any Quirks in a world where having superpowers is the norm. However, his dream of becoming a Hero becomes a reality when he receives a Quirk from the renowned Hero, All Might.
At present, the storyline of My Hero Academia is immersed in the gripping Final War arc, where Heroes and Villains clash in a fierce battle. Throughout this arc, numerous characters have showcased their exceptional abilities and proved their worth in the face of adversity.
A noteworthy development, as revealed in the latest Rising chapter, is the level of growth attained by Shoto Todoroki, who has now reached the same level as Katsuki Bakugo, the deuteragonist of the series. This achievement by Shoto raises questions about the main protagonist, as it appears that Deku has been left behind by the mangaka in terms of progression.
(Spoiler warning: The following discussion contains spoilers for the My Hero Academia manga.)
In the Final War arc, both Shoto and Bakugo have had significant heroic moments that have showcased their skills. Bakugo engaged in a fierce battle against the formidable Shigaraki, utilizing his Cluster Bombs to deal a substantial blow to the powerful Villain. However, his bravery came at a cost, as Shigaraki’s attack critically wounded him, tearing a fragment from his heart and rendering him unconscious. Fortunately, Edgeshot swiftly intervened to save him from further harm.
On the other hand, Shoto demonstrated his prowess by effectively neutralizing Dabi’s devastating Inferno attack using a move called Great Glacial Aegir. This victory not only showcased Shoto’s growth but also marked a significant milestone for the Todoroki family, as he achieved what his family had previously struggled to accomplish.
The chapter highlighting Shoto’s accomplishments aptly bears the title “Shoto Todoroki Rising,” emphasizing his progress and the potential future developments for both the Todoroki family and Dabi. This hints at a possible reunion and further exploration of their complex dynamics.
It is worth noting that Bakugo also had his own Rising chapter during the Paranormal Liberation War arc, showcasing his growth and development as a character. In a selfless act, Bakugo fearlessly shielded Deku from a potentially fatal blow, possibly serving as a repayment for the time Deku aided him in his battle against the Sludge Villain.
However, the lingering question remains: Will Deku receive his own Rising chapter? While My Hero Academia has been acknowledged by Horikoshi to have gone on for an extended period, the long-running series is now approaching its conclusion, with Deku seemingly lagging behind Shoto and Bakugo in terms of formal narrative focus.
While Shoto and Bakugo have their respective origin chapters titled “Shoto Todoroki: Origin” and “Katsuki Bakugo: Origin,” Deku does not possess a Rising chapter named after him. Interestingly, there exists a chapter titled “Deku and Bakugo Rising” within the spin-off series Team-Up Missions, but Deku lacks an individual Rising chapter.
However, this discrepancy should not be a cause for concern, as it is plausible that a Rising chapter featuring Deku is on the horizon. In this potential future chapter, it is likely that Deku will confront Shigaraki and play a pivotal role in stopping him, ultimately saving the day. As My Hero Academia progresses, there is a chance that the story will shift its focus back to Deku after concluding the Todoroki conflict.
Fans eagerly anticipate the upcoming developments in My Hero Academia as chapter 391 returns after a week’s break on June 19, 2023. With the Todoroki arc now resolved, it is possible that the narrative will once again center on Deku, allowing him to shine in his own Rising chapter and reclaim his position at the forefront of the series.
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