Jujutsu Kaisen, a manga featured in Shonen Jump, has distinguished itself as the unrivaled king of nightmare-inducing content. While most manga in Shonen Jump tend to shy away from excessive horror, Jujutsu Kaisen fearlessly embraces and delivers pure nightmare fuel to its readers. Despite being published in a magazine marketed towards children, the series, authored by Gege Akutami, has never shied away from depicting gruesome and chilling scenes. In fact, a recent chapter has taken the horror to new heights, solidifying its reputation as the most terrifying installment thus far.
Readers of Jujutsu Kaisen have come to expect a certain level of cruelty and brutality from the curses that inhabit its world. Curses, which represent negative emotions, possess twisted personalities and insidious desires. For instance, one of the main antagonists, Mahito, sadistically transforms his victims’ bodies into unrecognizable states while keeping them alive to endure unimaginable suffering. Even curses with less explicit sadism exhibit an utter disregard for human life, often engaging in wanton murder.
However, the latest chapter, #210, introduces the Fishing Curse, taking the horror in Jujutsu Kaisen to even greater depths. In this chapter, Kenjaku’s curses unleash havoc upon the invading American soldiers in the Culling Game. One curse, in a grotesque display, employs the soldiers as bait, impaling them on jagged hooks and suspending them above fish-like creatures. The cursed fish viciously tear apart their live prey upon biting, causing unimaginable suffering. The sheer terror of this scene is emphasized by the internal thoughts of one soldier, who, despite being mentally prepared for death due to his military background, finds this horrifying fate unbearable. This depiction surpasses all previous instances of terror in the series, making it the most gruesome and terrifying moment yet.
The horror is heightened by the perspective of a hardened soldier who is unaccustomed to the malevolence of curses. Viewing the events through his eyes intensifies the impact, as the full horror of the curse’s actions resonates more powerfully. The controversial rough art style and skillful paneling employed in Jujutsu Kaisen contribute to the horror’s impact. The out-of-focus hook and jagged teeth of the curse, juxtaposed against the soldier’s desperate struggle, convey the excruciating pain and torment experienced by the victims.
While this particular soldier is eventually rescued by Hana, it is implied that countless other soldiers in the Culling Game colonies are facing even more nightmarish fates at the hands of Kenjaku’s unleashed curses. However, such horrors are not new to the series. The world of Jujutsu Kaisen consistently presents itself as one of the cruelest settings within Shonen Jump manga, providing a relentless onslaught of nightmare-inducing scenarios. Thus, it has solidified its position as the reigning king of horrifying content within the magazine, surpassing all other contenders.
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