In the ongoing final battles of Kohei Horikoshi’s original manga series, My Hero Academia, an unexpected secret about Tomura Shigaraki’s new powers has been unveiled. As the story reaches its climax in the Final Act, a crucial piece of information sheds light on Shigaraki’s evolving abilities. The stage is set for a decisive war between heroes and villains, with Shigaraki and All For One facing their most formidable opponent yet: the United States of America’s number one hero, Star and Stripe. It is during this intense confrontation that Shigaraki experiences a significant loss of powers from All For One, courtesy of Star and Stripe’s New Order ability.
Despite the setback, when Shigaraki engages in the final battle against the heroes, he appears to be as formidable as ever. This is especially evident during the first half of the fight when All For One maintains full control over Shigaraki’s body. Although Star and Stripe managed to neutralize many of the villain’s abilities, it ultimately proves inconsequential. However, an intriguing revelation included in the pages of the most recent My Hero Academia manga volume, released in Japan, sheds light on Shigaraki’s surprising resilience. It turns out that Shigaraki has regained the ability to regenerate and heal from injuries, thanks to stealing the power from a High-End.
In a special extra feature found in My Hero Academia Volume 38, Shigaraki is depicted with an explanation about his restored regenerative capabilities. According to the sketch, “His arm has regenerated. His Super Regeneration quirk was damaged during the fight against Star and Stripe and got considerably weaker, so he just stole the Near High End’s. Now he’s back to regenerating just fine.” This revelation implies that Shigaraki has become even more fearsome than ever before.
With Shigaraki managing to escape the clutches of Star and Stripe while retaining many of his pre-New Order abilities, the path ahead looks challenging for Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku. As depicted in the recent chapters, even when the heroes joined forces against Shigaraki, they struggled to subdue him. Therefore, Deku must devise a strategic approach to definitively conclude the ongoing conflict.
The revelation of Shigaraki’s newfound powers adds another layer of complexity to the narrative. As the war between heroes and villains rages on, the fate of the characters hangs in the balance. Deku’s journey to bring the conflict to an end faces significant obstacles, with Shigaraki’s enhanced abilities posing a formidable threat. Only time will tell how the final act of My Hero Academia unfolds and whether Deku can find a way to overcome these challenges and restore peace to the world of heroes and quirks.
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