The “One Piece” manga series is temporarily going on hiatus as its creator, Eiichiro Oda, prepares to undergo eye surgery. The official Twitter account of the “One Piece” portal site, @OPcom_info, recently announced that there will be a break in the serialization of the manga in “Weekly Shonen Jump” from Issue No. 29 to No. 32. This hiatus is necessary to allow Oda to undergo scheduled surgery, which is set to take place next week.
Fortunately, Oda Sensei’s health is generally good, and the surgery he will undergo is for the correction of astigmatism. Astigmatism is a common condition that causes blurry vision at both near and far distances due to an imperfect curvature of the eye. However, specific details about the nature of Oda’s eye condition have not been disclosed.
Initially, Oda amused fans by jokingly stating that he would have laser shooters implanted in his eyes during the surgery. He later clarified that he actually suffers from astigmatism, which has been causing him double vision and interfering with his work.
As for the manga’s storyline, the latest chapter, titled “The Death of Nefertari Cobra” (Chapter 1083), has been captivating readers with numerous intriguing revelations. Oda has been unveiling hidden details about the World Government, Garp, Shanks, and the enigmatic D. Clan, particularly through the conversations between Imu and Nefertari Cobra. The manga has reached an exciting point, reminiscent of the peak excitement during the Wano arc. Fans have been eagerly anticipating the next developments, but Oda’s hiatus leaves them with a significant cliffhanger. Nevertheless, fans express their sincere well-wishes and hope for Oda’s swift recuperation.
Regarding the length of the hiatus, Oda’s condition of astigmatism is treatable, and it is expected that he will recover and resume his work within the next month. However, depending on the severity of the condition and the recovery process, the hiatus may potentially extend beyond the four announced issues.
Starting from June 19th, there will be a hiatus of four issues, with the manga’s publication in Weekly Shonen Jump continuing until Issue No. 28, which releases on June 12. The serialization is anticipated to resume in Issue No. 33, scheduled for release on Tuesday, July 18th. This means that fans will have to patiently wait for an entire month before they can dive back into the world of “One Piece” and continue following the adventures of their beloved characters.
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