In the expansive world of My Hero Academia, where the narrative primarily revolves around Deku, there is ample opportunity to delve into the lives of its supporting characters. Among the many intriguing side stories, none captivates audiences quite like the tumultuous journey of the Todoroki family. At the center of this compelling narrative is Endeavor, the current number one hero, who must confront the consequences of his past actions and the way he mistreated his own kin. As the final saga continues to unfold within the pages of My Hero Academia’s manga, an eagerly awaited moment for Endeavor has finally arrived.
Warning: If you are not up to date with the My Hero Academia manga, be advised that this article contains major spoilers for future anime events and chapter 390. Enji Todoroki, driven by his desire to surpass All Might as the former Symbol of Peace, has spent a significant portion of his life striving to become the number one hero. In his relentless pursuit of this goal, Endeavor subjected his children to unimaginable hardships, pushing them to surpass All Might and inadvertently causing his eldest son, Toya, to become the villain known as Dabi. Recently, however, Endeavor has embarked on a path of redemption, seeking to atone for the pain he inflicted upon his children and his wife during their formative years.
Endeavor’s path to redemption may seem unimaginable, considering the immense suffering he caused his family, but a monumental breakthrough occurs in the latest chapter of the manga through his heartfelt apologies. After Shoto successfully takes down his eldest brother, an injured Endeavor crawls to his son’s side, pleading for him to release all his pent-up emotions: “Toya! I’m sorry I never made it to Sekoto Peak! Go on, really. Let me have it! Keep it coming!”
However, Endeavor’s apologies to Dabi are not the only profound actions he takes in this moment. He also implores his wife and children for forgiveness: “Rei! I’m sorry for pushing you to the breaking point. Fuyumi, I’m sorry for leaving you to pick up the pieces! Natuso, I’m sorry for neglecting you like I did! And Shoto! I’m sorry!”
As this marks the culmination of the series’ final saga, it serves as a powerful crescendo to the Todoroki family’s tale. Endeavor, once perceived as a character who could never reach such a point of redemption, has embraced his role as the Symbol of Peace with utmost sincerity, seeking to make amends for the grave sins of his past. Despite Dabi’s defeat, there are still numerous challenges that the heroes must confront, reminding us that victory in one battle does not ensure a smooth path forward.
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