Kōhei Horikoshi, the creator of the popular manga and anime series My Hero Academia, has shared a new illustration featuring the character Froppy, also known as Tsuyu Asui. The artwork depicts Froppy in a brand new costume that includes gadgets, technology, and light armor. This new design is much more detailed and complex than her traditional suit, which has been depicted in both the manga and anime.
In the illustration, Froppy’s costume includes an overcoat covered in pumps and valves that are connected to a tank on her back. She also has large power gloves that extend her hands, making them even more frog-like. Additionally, she wears a pair of stylish sneakers combined with extenders that give her a more frog-like appearance. The new suit is apparently powered by holidays, according to Horikoshi’s notes on the sketch, with the letters “GW” leading many to believe that it is a reference to Golden Week, a Japanese holiday period during which many manga publishers do not release new content.
Froppy is a member of Class 1-A at UA High School, a prestigious institution for young heroes. Her quirk, which is called “frog,” allows her to perform all of the same abilities as a frog, including enhanced swimming, hopping, and tongue extension skills, among others. Although she has been somewhat overshadowed by the other characters in the series, she has remained a popular and beloved part of the My Hero Academia franchise.
The manga is currently in its “Final War” arc, which is part of the larger “Final Act” saga. This story has seen the battle between pro heroes and UA students against the villainous All For One intensify. The anime adaptation, produced by Studio Bones, recently concluded its sixth season, which adapted the “Paranormal Liberation War” and “Dark Hero” arcs. The latter saw the protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, transformed into a vigilante known as “Dark Deku.” The season ended with the introduction of a new hero from America.
My Hero Academia Chapter 386, titled “I AM HERE,” was released by Viz Media on April 23, 2023, with the next installment scheduled for May 7, 2023. Fans can also stream the show’s six seasons on Crunchyroll, with the first season also available on Netflix.
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