As the monumental battle between Gojo Satoru and Ryomen Sukuna unfolds in Jujutsu Kaisen, one character who may seem to be on the sidelines but holds potential importance is Hajime Kashimo. While the focus is primarily on the clash between the two powerhouses, Kashimo’s presence and abilities suggest that he could play a crucial role in the narrative.
Kashimo, an ancient sorcerer who made a pact with Kenjaku to be reincarnated and partake in the Culling Games, was regarded as the strongest sorcerer of his era. Despite his formidable strength, he missed the opportunity to challenge Sukuna due to being born a few centuries too late. Disappointed with the quality of sorcerers in his time, Kashimo accepted Kenjaku’s offer of reincarnation to engage in battles against even more prodigious opponents. Sukuna, however, remained his primary target.
Throughout Jujutsu Kaisen, Kashimo’s cursed technique has remained undisclosed and unactivated. Nevertheless, he has proven his worth as the strongest sorcerer of his era. In a swift encounter with Panda, Kashimo emerged victorious, even against the Cursed Corpse’s powerful Triceratops mode. Moreover, his combat intelligence and close calls with the formidable Hakari Kinji showcased his strategic prowess. Remarkably, Kashimo achieved all this without resorting to his cursed technique, relying solely on his potent cursed energy, which possesses electric properties capable of shocking his adversaries.
The speculation arises that Kashimo might possess a private binding vow to activate his cursed technique solely against Sukuna, enhancing its effectiveness against the King of Curses. With Sukuna’s unrivaled tenacity and his assimilation of Megumi Fushiguro’s Ten Shadows and the Ten Shadows’ Mahoraga, he has become even more resilient. A technique specifically designed to counter Sukuna could be a game-changer for the heroes of Jujutsu Kaisen. The potential danger of a targeted technique was demonstrated by the Angel’s anti-evil Jacob’s Ladder. Kashimo’s cursed technique could potentially deliver the decisive blow needed to defeat Sukuna.
There is also the possibility that Kashimo might interrupt the ongoing battle between Gojo and Sukuna. While Gojo initially gained the advantage with his surprise Hollow Purple attack, Sukuna’s unwavering nerve and mastery of the reverse cursed technique could shift the tides. Sukuna not only possesses his original cursed technique, which established him as the King of Curses, but he has also incorporated Megumi’s Ten Shadows into his arsenal. If Sukuna activates Mahoraga’s adaptation capabilities, leveraging the Limitless cursed technique, Gojo might find himself in a battle that he can no longer win.
Fortunately, Sukuna himself demonstrated that Mahoraga is not invincible during the Shibuya Incident arc. He managed to overwhelm and defeat it with a barrage of slash attacks, finishing it off with a flame arrow before it could adapt to the new assault. Considering Kashimo’s reputation and remarkable feats thus far, it is not far-fetched to assume that he could deliver a devastating blow against Sukuna using a similar strategy if he intervenes in Gojo and Sukuna’s deathmatch. Mahoraga’s vulnerability appears to lie in attacks that swiftly annihilate it in a single strike, making Kashimo more than capable of dealing a decisive blow.
Thus, while the focus currently lies on the epic battle between Gojo and Sukuna, Hajime Kashimo’s presence and potential contributions, either through his cursed technique or intervention in the clash, suggest that he may hold the key to altering the course of the conflict and the fate of the Jujutsu Kaisen world.
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Satoru Gojo,Yuji Itadori,Megumi Fushiguro,Ryomen Sakuna,Maki Zen’in,