In episode 1061 of the One Piece anime, viewers were treated to an intense battle between two formidable opponents, Sanji Vinsmoke and Queen. As the third strongest member of the Straw Hat Pirates, Sanji has a reputation for being an excellent cook and fighter. However, Queen, the third strongest member of the Beasts Pirates, was his toughest opponent yet. The fight initially started as a rescue mission to save Chopper from Queen’s grip but quickly became personal. Queen identified Sanji as the son of Judge Vinsmoke, his former colleague in the MADS group. This led Queen to claim that Sanji’s flaming kicks were a result of genetic enhancement by Judge, who was known for performing body modifications on his children. The battle continued as Sanji struggled to prove that his abilities were a product of his passion, not genetic modification.
During the fight, Sanji started to awaken the same traits of his brothers, leading to worries of becoming like them, which could turn him into an emotionless evil warrior. In the Pleasure Hall, where he had sought refuge, he encountered several girls who accused him of injuring one of them. However, Sanji, who had vowed never to hurt a woman, was afraid of having turned into an emotionless evildoer like his brothers. Conflicted and questioning which version of him would be more useful to Luffy, he made the decision to destroy the Raid Suit and used a Radio Snail to contact Zoro, asking him to kill him should he become a heartless evildoer. Zoro agreed, and Sanji thanked him.
In the final climax of the fight, Queen surprised Sanji by using all his brother’s signature techniques. Although Sanji was able to dodge Sparking Queen, he was hurt by Henry Queen and smashed through several walls by Winch Queen. However, he managed to free himself and destroyed Queen’s mechanical arm with a powerful kick. The fight continued as Queen challenged Sanji to show him how different he had become. Sanji then declared to Queen with a confident smile that he wasn’t the same person he fought before. The fight came to an end as Sanji struck Queen with Hell Memories, blowing him away a great distance. While Queen managed to endure the hit and make his way back to Sanji, it was clear that Sanji had become a much stronger and more confident fighter.
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Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Kaido, Bigmom