In a thought-provoking video titled “What Happens When Disney Runs Out of Remakes,” popular YouTuber captainmidnight delves into an intriguing topic surrounding the future of Disney films. The discussion revolves around the notion that Disney’s classic animated masterpieces, once securely locked away in the fabled Disney Vault, were strategically released to create scarcity in the marketplace. Parents would eagerly rush to stores like Suncoast Video to secure their own clamshell VHS copies of timeless films like Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs before the vault’s doors closed once again.
Fast forward to the present day, where the advent of Disney+ has led to the availability of an extensive library of Disney content, rendering the concept of the Disney Vault seemingly obsolete. Countless Disney princesses now dominate the streaming platform, and the only remnants within the vault are controversial titles such as Song Of The South, the upcoming 2022 Willow TV show, and a selection of films that were retired to benefit from a substantial $1.5 billion tax write-off. This prompts the question: What happens when Disney exhausts its catalogue of classic films to remake?
captainmidnight’s video essay, spanning approximately 10 minutes, artfully explores this inquiry and raises some compelling points. The YouTuber muses on the absence of sequels to Disney’s recent remakes and speculates on the future strategies the esteemed company may adopt once their treasure trove of original masterpieces has been thoroughly revisited. Notably, the only officially announced follow-up to any of the recent remakes is a Lion King prequel named Mufasa.
The video draws attention to the fact that Disney has encountered similar challenges in the past. Back in the early 1990s, during the height of the video rental market, Disney began swiftly producing low-budget direct-to-video sequels to their most successful animated films. Productions like The Return To Jafar, which many recall as the first time they realized movies could disappoint, proved to be highly lucrative for Disneytoon Studios. The studio churned out numerous animated adventures centered around Aladdin, resulting in nearly 90 episodes. While these hastily made sequels generated substantial profits, they also compromised the integrity and legacy of the original works—an outcome that the current string of remakes may potentially replicate.
The comprehensive video encompasses a deep analysis of Disney’s content churn, both past and present, and contemplates the implications for the forthcoming entry into the canon by Oscar-winner Barry Jenkins, the aforementioned Mufasa. Furthermore, the video provides an opportunity for viewers to scrutinize the digital effects employed in Guy Ritchie’s 2019 Aladdin remake, shedding new light on their execution when viewed with a discerning eye in the context of the broader discussion.
Ultimately, captainmidnight’s video offers a captivating exploration of Disney’s content strategy, contemplating the potential consequences and implications of their ongoing focus on remakes. The video prompts viewers to consider the delicate balance between nostalgia and originality, as well as the challenges Disney may encounter as they navigate the ever-changing landscape of the entertainment industry.
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Perdita, Cruella de Vil, Roger Radcliffe, Dodger, Oliver