Boruto: Naruto Next Generations serves as the sequel to the immensely popular Naruto series. It takes place in a world where the ninja society has achieved relative peace after the Fourth Great Ninja War. Naruto Uzumaki, the protagonist of Naruto, is now the Seventh Hokage, and the story follows his son, Boruto Uzumaki, along with a new generation of shinobi. While Boruto has garnered its own fanbase, it has struggled to reach the same level of popularity as its predecessor.
One of the strengths of Boruto lies in its ability to expand beyond the focus on Naruto and Sasuke, which was a criticism of the later parts of Naruto. The Boruto anime, in particular, delves into the stories of various characters, offering more depth and development. Additionally, Boruto explores and expands upon concepts introduced towards the end of Naruto, such as the Otsutsuki clan, which resonates with fans. However, despite these positive aspects, Boruto also has notable weaknesses.
One of the major drawbacks of Boruto is its lack of compelling characters compared to Naruto. Naruto and Sasuke remain iconic and beloved figures, but their influence diminishes over time in Boruto. The new generation of characters, including Boruto himself, often falls short in terms of depth and interest. The series heavily relies on the nostalgia and attachment to the original characters, which doesn’t fully capture the attention of Naruto fans.
Furthermore, the plot of Boruto feels somewhat one-dimensional, centered primarily around the Otsutsuki clan and scientific technology. While there are occasional retcons that offer some surprises, the overall storytelling lacks the complexity and intrigue of Naruto. As a result, Boruto struggles to captivate fans in the same way.
When it comes to comparing the popularity of Naruto and Boruto, it becomes evident that Boruto falls significantly short. Naruto achieved tremendous success, being considered one of the “Big Three” alongside One Piece and Bleach. In contrast, Boruto doesn’t generate as much discussion or excitement. Naruto continues to maintain its popularity, even years after its conclusion, which highlights the gap between the two series.
Although Boruto does have its own dedicated fanbase, it’s unlikely to reach the same heights of popularity as Naruto. The decline in manga sales further emphasizes this point. Boruto may have its enjoyable moments, both in the manga and anime adaptations, but it can’t match the quality, character development, and overall narrative of Naruto. While Boruto will carve out its own legacy, it won’t come close to the greatness achieved by its predecessor.
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