The Naruto anime has temporarily returned, as Boruto takes a break, and fans are expressing their desire for the original series to come back permanently. Naruto is an iconic series that has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. It tells the story of a young boy with big dreams who works hard to achieve them, while also promoting themes of perseverance and kindness. Fans have watched Naruto grow from a mischievous child to a responsible Hokage who protects his loved ones and helps put an end to the cycle of hatred.
Following the Fourth Great Ninja War and the conclusion of Naruto’s journey, fans were treated to glimpses of him in movies before the sequel series, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, finally debuted. While the Boruto series is entertaining, some fans feel that it doesn’t live up to the original Naruto series. There are a few reasons for this sentiment.
First, the new protagonist, Boruto, is a genius who doesn’t quite understand the importance of sacrifice, a fundamental value for shinobi. While he grows throughout the series, his character doesn’t resonate with fans as much as Naruto did. Additionally, the story is set in an era of rapid technological advancement, which could have been interesting, but the series doesn’t deliver on that promise. Many old characters from Naruto are barely involved, and the new characters aren’t compelling enough. The villains in Boruto are also not as interesting as those in Naruto, making the story less gripping. Sales of the manga have been declining, though the anime remains popular.
As Boruto nears the end of its first part, fans are eager for Naruto’s return. Though there would be no manga series to follow, the story still has immense potential for exploration through the anime alone, as Dragon Ball Super has done. With the creator of the Naruto series, Masashi Kishimoto, involved, the anime could have an incredible story arc that would satisfy fans.
So where would the Naruto anime be set? Fans would like to see it pick up where the original series left off, after the Fourth Great Ninja War. This period is followed by a blank period where Naruto is a regular shinobi, Kakashi becomes Hokage, and Sasuke seeks redemption and tracks down the Otsutsuki clan. The Konoha 11 and other beloved characters from the Five Great Nations also work towards their goals and dreams. This blank period offers an abundance of potential storylines for the anime to explore, with new evil organizations and villains for Naruto and his group to face.
With Kishimoto’s talent for writing interesting villains and gripping story arcs, fans would be eager to see what he could come up with. This blank period could eventually lead up to the Last: Naruto the Movie, or the anime could be set right after Naruto and Hinata’s wedding, just before the events of Boruto. Either way, fans would love to see their favorite characters return to their screens and experience new adventures.
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