In the expansive world of Dragon Ball, where powerful Androids have become a recurring theme throughout the series, an interesting connection emerges between the strongest Android introduced in Dragon Ball GT and one of the seemingly weakest Androids in the entire Dragon Ball franchise. This unexpected link revolves around the fact that the “strongest Android” borrows one of his most damaging attacks from the relatively feeble Android counterpart.
Let’s journey back to the classic days of Dragon Ball, where Goku, still a young Saiyan warrior, finds himself embroiled in a fierce battle against the villainous Red Ribbon Army. The Red Ribbon Army, known for employing brilliant scientific minds, had developed combat-ready Androids to bolster their forces. Among them was Major Metallitron, who proved to be a formidable opponent during his time. However, even though Major Metallitron posed a challenge to Goku when he was at his weakest, he would never have stood a chance against the Z-Fighters in the current Dragon Ball era, let alone Goku himself. Despite his relatively inferior power, Major Metallitron possessed one unique ability that even the mightiest Android couldn’t resist copying.
Fast forward to Dragon Ball GT, where the first season introduces General Rilldo, an Android widely regarded as the strongest Android ever encountered by Goku. General Rilldo, a Machine Mutant created by Dr. Myuu and powered by an entire planet, possesses limitless potential and a set of unprecedented abilities. During Goku’s intense battle with General Rilldo, the Machine Mutant unveils an attack that can only be described as a “fist-rocket.” This devastating technique involves Rilldo launching his fist with incredible speed and destructive force, akin to a rocket. Surprisingly, this move proves to be highly detrimental to Goku, but what makes it even more intriguing is its familiarity—it had been used in the past by none other than Major Metallitron. Yes, Major Metallitron had utilized the very same attack against Goku, inflicting a similar impact that Goku would later endure at the hands of General Rilldo. Evidently, Rilldo must have been aware of this move’s effectiveness against Goku and intentionally incorporated it into his own formidable arsenal.
Although there is no direct connection between General Rilldo and Major Metallitron in terms of their origins (with Rilldo being a Machine Mutant and Metallitron an Android), this coincidence sparks curiosity. Despite the vast discrepancy in their power levels, both mechanized fighters employ the same attack against Goku, resulting in the same outcome. General Rilldo derives his power from an entire planet, while Major Metallitron stands as one of the earliest Androids in Dragon Ball history, defeated by a relatively untrained child. Yet, they both exhibit the audacity to employ the same attack against the same hero, yielding an unexpected, albeit curiously effective, outcome. This intriguing scenario showcases how Dragon Ball’s strongest Android unwittingly borrows an attack from its weakest counterpart, adding an additional layer of complexity and connection within the series’ narrative.
These intricate details and connections are just a glimpse into the vast and intricate world of Dragon Ball, where power, innovation, and unexpected linkages intertwine to captivate fans across the globe.
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