In the popular anime series Demon Slayer, the latest demon threat has been causing significant trouble for the Demon Slayers. Despite their best efforts, they have not been able to win the battle. However, Tanjiro, the main character, has just made a breakthrough in figuring out how these new demons operate, which could be the first step towards stopping them.
The current enemies in Demon Slayer have proven to be exceptionally difficult to deal with, as they can survive even after being beheaded. Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Genya are up against four demons that originated from a single demon named Hantengu, who broke one of the Demon Slayer’s biggest rules. After the beheading, which is supposed to kill a demon, the creature instead regenerated from both parts, creating two new demons. They then divided further into four, each with distinct powers and a marking on their tongues that corresponded to an emotion.
The Mist Hashira, Tokito, initially fought alongside the trio but was eventually blown away by one of the demons’ fans, leaving Tanjiro to face them alone. While battling one of the demons, a tengu-like flying demon named Urogi, Tanjiro started to piece together what was happening. He realized that cutting the demon’s tongue significantly slowed down their regeneration and that the combined attack power of two regenerated demons was far less than when they were one.
Through observation and deduction, Tanjiro also figured out that the markings on the demons’ tongues corresponded to different emotions: joy (Urogi), sorrow, pleasure, and anger. Tanjiro’s insight into the tongue’s weak point is a significant discovery, suggesting that these demons are not ordinary and may be a manifestation of different feelings belonging to Hantengu.
However, there is still much left for Tanjiro to figure out, such as whether defeating them individually is possible or if there is a main body hiding elsewhere that he needs to take out. Even if Tanjiro manages to defeat these manifestations of Hantengu, there are still Upper Five Gyokko and fish minion demons to deal with. Winning the fight requires Tanjiro to keep a tactical mindset, stay vigilant, and be on the lookout for any openings or weaknesses.
In summary, Tanjiro’s discovery is a step closer to victory, but the fight is far from over. The Demon Slayer side needs to keep their tactical brain thinking, watch these enemies carefully, and find any possible weaknesses to ensure their victory.
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Muichiro, Yoriichi, Mitsuri, Tanjiro, Demon Slayer, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kimetsu no Yaiba