In the Naruto franchise, Sasuke Uchiha has always been a complex and controversial character. He started out as a young and talented ninja from the Uchiha clan, one of the most powerful and respected families in Konoha. However, his family was massacred by his older brother Itachi, who Sasuke believed had betrayed the village and their clan. This traumatic event sent Sasuke on a path of vengeance and self-destruction, leading him to abandon Konoha to train under the villainous Orochimaru.
Sasuke’s decision to leave his village and friends behind was a pivotal moment in the series, and it led to one of the most intense and emotionally charged conflicts between Sasuke and his former best friend, Naruto. Sasuke’s obsession with revenge and his willingness to sacrifice everything, including his own life and the lives of others, for his own purposes made him a complex and morally ambiguous character.
However, as the story progressed and Sasuke began to learn more about the truth behind his brother’s actions and the nature of the world he lived in, he started to change. He began to see the value of friendship and teamwork, and he realized that his pursuit of revenge had only led to pain and suffering for himself and those around him. In the end, Sasuke returned to Konoha and fought alongside Naruto and their friends to save the world from destruction.
In Boruto, the sequel series to Naruto, Sasuke’s character development continues, and he once again becomes a traitor to Konoha, but this time for all the right reasons. In Chapter #80 of Boruto, Sasuke’s daughter Sarada is able to escape the Omnipotence technique that alters everyone’s mind, making Boruto an enemy of Konoha. She begs her father to help Boruto escape, which Sasuke agrees to, despite being a victim of the technique himself.
This momentous finale of the first part of the manga shows that Sasuke has become a great mentor to Boruto and a loving father to Sarada. Sasuke’s decision to help Boruto is not just based on his keen intellect and ability to see through the incongruence in the situation, but also on his belief in his daughter. Seeing Sarada awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan (a condition triggered only by the most traumatic events) convinces Sasuke that, while he can’t trust his own mind in this situation, he can surely trust his daughter.
This decision finally makes Sasuke step up to his role as Boruto’s mentor, and it’s also proof that, despite not showing it often, he is a loving and caring father. The inevitable comparison with the moment when Sasuke betrayed Konoha in Naruto serves to highlight how much the character has grown since. Sasuke’s betrayal of Konoha happened not for a selfish desire for vengeance, but for the best possible reasons.
Overall, Sasuke becoming a traitor again, but for the right reasons, is one of the best moments in Boruto, one that will certainly make fans of the character incredibly happy. It shows that, even after all he’s been through, Sasuke is still capable of growth and change, and that he has truly become one of the most complex and fascinating characters in the Naruto universe.
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