My Hero Academia is a popular anime and manga series that has captured the hearts of many fans worldwide. The series is set in a world where nearly everyone possesses a unique ability, known as a Quirk. The main character, Izuku Midoriya, or Deku, is a boy without a Quirk who dreams of becoming a hero. He is eventually granted a powerful Quirk, One For All, by the legendary hero All Might, and he joins U.A. High School to train and become a hero.
The current arc of My Hero Academia is the Final War arc, and it has been an intense ride for fans so far. In chapter 385, readers were left with a cliffhanger as the villain All For One used his Quirk to steal Hawks’ Quirk and escape from the heroes. However, chapter 386 promises to bring some exciting developments, particularly with the return of Stain.
Stain is a villain who made his first appearance in chapter 56 of the manga and episode 29 of the anime. He is known for his distinctive costume and his Quirk, which allows him to paralyze his opponents by ingesting their blood. Stain’s character arc involved his desire to cleanse the hero society of what he believed were fake heroes, those who were only in it for the fame and fortune. He targeted several pro heroes, including Tenya Iida’s older brother, Tensei, and he inspired many young people to follow in his footsteps.
In chapter 386, Stain is expected to play a significant role in the story. At the end of the previous chapter, fans saw that Stain is ready to make his move, and it’s uncertain what he will do. He may try to stop All For One on his own or help other heroes who are standing back up to fight, like Todoroki. Although Stain was once a villain, he may aid the heroes in the Final War, especially since he has been touched by Deku’s kindness and determination to make the world a better place.
The Final War arc has been building up to a confrontation between Deku and the villain Shigaraki, who has been empowered by All For One. All For One has been stealing Quirks from other people to make Shigaraki stronger, and he has been edging closer to his goal of becoming the ultimate villain. In the previous chapter, he broke through the heroes’ resilience and showed them the true power of his Quirk. In chapter 386, he will likely continue on his path towards Shigaraki, who is also growing stronger with each passing chapter.
Todoroki and Iida are also expected to rejoin the fight in chapter 386. They were previously injured and unable to fight, but they are now ready to join the battle once again. Todoroki is looking to fight his brother, who has been empowered by All For One, and Iida may come face-to-face with Stain, who attacked his older brother and sparked his character arc. It’s uncertain what will happen when they meet again, but it’s sure to be intense and emotional.
Overall, My Hero Academia chapter 386 promises to be an action-packed and emotional chapter that will move the plot forward towards the epic conclusion of the Final War arc. With the return of Stain, the growing power of All For One and Shigaraki, and the rejoining of Todoroki and Iida, fans are in for a thrilling ride.
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Shishida, Shoda, Tsunotori, Tsuburaba, Tetsutetsu, Tokage