Demon Slayer is an anime series that follows the story of Tanjiro Kamado, a young boy who becomes a demon slayer after his family is brutally murdered by demons, leaving only his sister, Nezuko, as a survivor who has been turned into a demon. Throughout his journey, Tanjiro encounters many powerful demons with unique abilities, known as Blood Arts, which grant them supernatural powers.
One such demon is the Biwa Demon, who possesses a power that allows her to manipulate other demons. Unlike many other demons in the series, the Biwa Demon’s power is not primarily focused on enhancing her own combat abilities but rather manipulating her fellow demons for her own purposes.
The Biwa Demon is a faithful servant of Muzan Kibutsuji, the series’ main antagonist and the first demon in existence. She operates within the Infinity Castle, a dimension separated from the real world and a haven for demons. Despite her stoic demeanor, her power is one of the most overpowered Blood Arts in the series, as it allows her to control the movements of other demons at will.
The Biwa Demon’s power was first demonstrated when she summoned all the Lower and Upper Rank demons to the Infinity Castle at Muzan’s behest, entirely against their will. This power extends to teleportation, as she was able to transport the various demons to different locations, including ones they had never been before. This implies that she can transport any demon to any known location, even against their desires.
This power is a significant threat to all demons, as it renders their combat abilities useless in the face of the Biwa Demon’s manipulation. The Biwa Demon could easily transport the most powerful demons to a location with sunlight, which would cause them to disintegrate instantly, leaving them powerless to resist. This would include Upper Rank demons like Akaza, Doma, and even Kokushibo.
While the Biwa Demon’s power is a perfect counter to demons, it is not effective against humans. However, its overlooked catastrophic potential for demon-kind makes it a significant threat. This is especially true when considering how the Biwa Demon’s power can counter all challenges and contests between demons for the higher ranks with a mere flick of her wrist.
Overall, the Biwa Demon is one of the most powerful demons in the series, with a unique Blood Art that allows her to manipulate other demons with ease. Her power makes her a significant threat to all demons, and if utilized against them, it could result in the downfall of demon-kind.
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Muichiro, Douma, Kokushibo, Muzan, Inosuke, Nezuko, Demon Slayer, Kimetsu no Yaiba