Naruto Uzumaki, one of the most beloved characters in shonen anime and manga, has captured the hearts of fans all over the world. As the protagonist of his own story, Naruto’s journey to become the greatest Hokage and gain recognition from those around him has been the focus of his narrative. Despite the numerous obstacles he faces, including the Fourth Great Ninja War, Naruto ultimately saves the world from destruction and rescues his best friend, Sasuke Uchiha, from darkness.
Fans were left anxious when the sequel to Naruto, Boruto, teased Naruto’s death. In the prologue of Boruto, fans are treated to an intense clash between Naruto’s son, Boruto Uzumaki, and a mysterious boy named Kawaki. The surrounding village is completely destroyed, similar to when Pain attacked Konoha. During their fight, Kawaki mentions sending Boruto to the same place he sent the 7th Hokage, leading fans to speculate about Naruto’s fate.
However, in the latest chapter of Boruto, it is revealed that Naruto is not dead. Instead, he and his wife Hinata Uzumaki were sent to a different dimension by Kawaki, who idolizes Naruto and vows to protect him and his family. Naruto has lost the powers of Kurama and is now severely weakened, making him vulnerable to the likes of the Otsutsuki, a powerful and dangerous alien race. Kawaki aims to root out all the Otsutsuki and destroy them to protect those he loves.
While Naruto is currently in a different dimension, it is expected that he will return after Boruto and Kawaki’s battle concludes. The future for the 7th Hokage is uncertain, as he was severely nerfed early on in the story and may not have a significant impact on the plot moving forward. Nonetheless, fans of Naruto can look forward to his eventual return and hope for a satisfying conclusion to his story.
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Mito, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Pain, Jiraiya, Danzo