“Attack on Titan” is a popular manga and anime series that features intense action, drama, and complex relationships among its characters. The “ships” or romantic pairings that fans support vary widely, but some of the most popular ones include:
- Eren x Mikasa: Eren and Mikasa have a close and complicated relationship, with Eren protecting Mikasa since they were young. Many fans support this pairing as a potential romantic couple.
- Levi x Erwin: This ship involves two of the most popular and skilled Survey Corps members, Levi and Erwin. Fans love their dynamic and strong bond, which some interpret as romantic.
- Armin x Annie: Armin and Annie’s interactions in the series hint at a potential attraction between them, and fans have embraced this pairing.
- Sasha x Connie: Sasha and Connie have a sweet and playful relationship that some fans think could develop into something more romantic.
- Jean x Marco: Although Marco is killed early in the series, many fans have shipped him with Jean due to their close friendship and potential for romance.
- Reiner x Bertholdt: This pairing involves two of the series’ villains, but some fans have shipped them due to their complicated history and deep emotional bond.
- Historia x Ymir: Historia and Ymir’s relationship is an important part of the series’ plot, and many fans have shipped them as a romantic couple.
- Eren x Levi: This ship involves two of the series’ most popular characters, and some fans have interpreted their interactions as romantic.
- Eren x Historia: Eren and Historia have a complex relationship in the series, and some fans have shipped them as a potential romantic couple.
- Mikasa x Annie: Although Mikasa and Annie are often portrayed as rivals, some fans have shipped them due to their similarities and potential for romantic tension.
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