The character arc of Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan is one of the most complex and intriguing in modern shonen anime. Eren’s transformation from a wide-eyed young boy to a jaded, ruthless anti-hero is what drives the story forward, and his actions often blur the line between good and evil. However, as the anime’s finale approaches, fans are left wondering whether Eren’s actions can be justified, and whether he deserves any sympathy or forgiveness.
Initially, Eren was a typical shonen protagonist, driven by his desire to liberate humanity and his love for those closest to him. However, over time, Eren’s experiences and the truths he uncovers about the world of Attack on Titan alter his character significantly. By the end of Season 3, Eren is more mature and aware of the larger perils that lie ahead.
In the following season, Eren’s character takes a dark turn. During the raid on Liberio, he becomes responsible for actions that are just as cruel and inhumane as those of his enemies. As a result, Eren’s role in the story is turned entirely on its head, and he becomes the face of the Island devils that threaten to destroy the earth.
The lore behind the origin of the Titans also plays a significant role in Eren’s character arc. According to both the Marleyan and Eldian perspectives, the “Devil of All Earth” and the “Source of all living matter” are the true sources of Ymir Fritz’s powers. However, the rest of the world sees the islanders of Paradis as the “Devils of Paradis” who pose a threat to the world. Following the raid on Liberio and the timeskip, Eren’s deadly rampage against the global leaders makes him the subject of even more fear and loathing.
As Eren’s actions become increasingly immoral, he becomes the embodiment of the devils feared by those opposed to Paradis’ existence. His decision to join the Yeagerist faction and his antagonization of all who reason with him further complicates his character. Finally, his triggering of the Rumbling and slaughter of a considerable majority of the world’s population takes his immorality to new heights, earning him the title of the “real Devil of Paradis.”
Despite Eren’s reprehensible actions, the moral conflict behind his crimes is not cut and dry. Fans are left to question whether Eren’s actions can be justified from any angle, and whether he deserves any sympathy or forgiveness. As the finale of Attack on Titan approaches, the fate of Eren Yeager hangs in the balance, leaving fans eager to see how the story will conclude.
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