The Attack on Titan anime series gained immense popularity since its premiere in 2013. It follows the story of humanity’s struggle against Titans, gigantic humanoid creatures that devour humans without reason. The series was adapted into a video game, Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom, developed by Koei Tecmo, and released in 2016. The game managed to capture the essence of the anime’s intense action, featuring exhilarating combat and the ability to swing around the environment with the help of the grapple-hooking sword. The game’s success led to a sequel, Attack on Titan 2, released in 2018, which continued the story and added new gameplay features.
Despite the initial doubts about how the game would translate the action and story of the anime into a playable experience, both Attack on Titan games received positive reviews from critics and fans. The games’ prices were relatively high when they were first released, with Attack on Titan 1 priced at £50/$60 and Attack on Titan 2 at £55/$60. However, as of this week, both games are permanently cheaper, with Attack on Titan 1 now priced at £35/$40 and Attack on Titan 2 at £40/$40.
While some might question the relevance of these price drops for games that are a few years old, it’s worth noting that the anime remains immensely popular, and new fans might be interested in checking out the games. Even for those who are not fans of the anime, the games offer an enjoyable hack-and-slash experience, with the thrill of taking down colossal enemies and destroying buildings in a destructible environment.
In conclusion, Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom and its sequel, Attack on Titan 2, are excellent hack-and-slash games that have managed to capture the intense action and unique features of the anime. The games’ recent price drops make them more accessible to fans and newcomers alike, and they offer an exciting and mindless experience for those who enjoy action-packed games.
We bring out some of the most well-known Attack On Titan Collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the Attack On Titan Collection
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